Before I begin... this is my first ever Blog. In fact, I'm probably doing this completely wrong. I love to use "quotations" and will have spelling and grammatical errors (a lot) and lots of extremely irritating long sentences without the proper punctuation that leave you gasping for air if you read it all in one breath. I did however get an "A" in Alliteration so at least I have that going for me.
I'm starting this Blog because I have been put on "modified bed rest". Which I guess isn't as bad as "normal" or "hospital" bed rest, but still frustrating and annoying all the same. I needed some hobbies that included just sitting around doing nothing, which now that I think about it... there are more than I originally thought.
A little history... I followed the man of my dreams from Ohio to Texas, where we had only been dating 9 months long distance. It was a risk, but a great risk. Not anything a mother wants to see her 22 year old daughter do, but it proved to work out more perfectly than I could imagine. We made our home in Texas... jobs, friends, bought our first home, got engaged, got married there and welcomed our first child, a little girl. Soon after she turned 1, we wanted more and so it happened... Rather quickly! We were in the process of putting our house on the market when I peed on that little life changing stick. It turned POSITIVE before I could even put it down. The feeling you get when you find out you're pregnant is one like no other. Whether planned or not, it is the most terrifying yet exciting 2 mins you will ever be a part of. Unless of course you have a horse in the Kentucky Derby.
The Hubs was so excited, as was our 15month old... or at least I tell myself she was. I asked her if she wanted to be a big sister and she said "Yeah", but at the stage in her life she would probably say "Yeah" to playing with fire ants. We were thinking of moving back to Ohio to be closer to family and friends. We never imagined we would, but we were said that Ava (Beebs) didn't know her family all that well and they didn't know her.
We continued the process of getting our house up for Sale. Its amazing how God works and how everything comes together without even seeing the bigger picture. Our Realtor sent some emails to other realtors March 7th and we accepted an offer March 10th. It never even had an "MLS" number.
March 13th, 2013 was an amazing day... at our OB apt we found out we were expecting IDENTICAL TWINS. If there were ever a time I needed a bottle of wine... My husband had a golf guy date right after. I knew he would either have the best round of his life or he would come home with 3 broken clubs... I don't think I could even wrap my head around the idea... actually, 2+ months later, I still can't! I just think back to how fast our house sold without much effort and realize this was all part of the bigger plan.
Fast forward through a lot of amazing details that would turn this "opening blog" into a Vagina Monologue. Ava & I arrived to Ohio April 19th and my husband got in a few days later. I had my first appointment with a Maternal Fetal Medicine Group, whom I LOVE each of the 3 doctors and would recommend to anyone. The appointment went great! The babies looked great, I was doing great... just an all around great day.
It's crazy what can happen in two weeks... at my next appt, Weds May 15th we got to find out the Gender!!! Which is a secret until our "reveal" party tomorrow... nice try if you thought I would slip before then! When the tech did my internal ultrasound or "vaginal" if you aren't embarrassed. I noticed that my Cervix area looked a little different, almost kind of opened. I'm no expert, but I've Googled enough information to know that a red bump on your skin either means you have an ingrown hair or rare deathly disease no one but 5 people have heard of.
After she was done she printed some pics and handed me the paperwork to take up to my doctor appt. Next to Cervix she wrote "funneling". I'll let you all Google that little gem at your earliest convenience. I of course looked it up and confirmed my suspicion that something wasn't right.
The doctor told me the babies looked great and overall I was doing well except my Cervical Length. A generic description of a Cervix is that its the gate keeper from your babies and your vagina (or a vaginal intruder "wink wink"). Once it thins and "shortens" you get closer to labor... the shorter it is the more likely you are to go in labor. At my appt 2weeks it was 40mm (4cm) and this past Weds it dropped all the way to 22mm (2.2cm). My doc said anything under 20mm and they are concerned for preterm labor. My doc said our "short term goal" is for it to not thin out anymore and stay where I am and try to get to 26-27weeks without going into Labor. I'm currently 19weeks and 3days...
So that brings me to why I'm here... Modified bed rest is pretty much bed rest except I'm allowed to get out of the bed, but I can't do anything. Currently I'm a stay at home mom, but I was job hunting... Can't do that... No working, housework, cooking, grocery shopping... almost sounds amazing... but I also can't hold my 18m old daughter or really play with her unless we're sitting on a couch or chair. I can't do so many things that you take for granted on a daily basis. Also if I want something to drink that is 10 feet away, I'm supposed to ask someone to get it for me. Is that even real life? How do you NOT do stuff? Of course I'm still trying to adjust because I'm used to being very active, but it's for the best. We need these Tweebs to stay put... I don't want to be put on strict bed rest or hospital bed rest, then you can't even wipe your own butt.
The day this all came full circle I was so upset... 3 days later and I still am. 50% of the time I talk about it to someone I'm fine. The other 50% I start crying my eyes out like I just watched the end of Million Dollar Baby. Even when you have Faith, its hard not to worry. I just need to let go and let God. We go back now every week, most likely until the babies are born... October 9th, 2013 is their due date. We might not make it to October, but I KNOW we will get pretty darn close. We can only take it one day at a time or just one appt at a time... I just wish my damn cervix would stop putting a cramp in my style. I had a fun summer planned dammit!
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