35w 4d!!
Yikes, 10 days until my Induction!!! Just when I started thinking I was getting to a good place mentally (not so emotional) I have a few set backs this weekend. Of course we are still in an AMAZING place, but I feel like there are some factors coming up I wasn't planning on...
I had my BPP on Friday and it went ridiculously fast... both babies were awake, moving and cooperating. We had a 7:30a appt, got called back 20mins late, but were in our car headed home about 8:30a. Both babies are still head down and now (I'm not sure if I mentioned this) but they are one in front of the other... make sense? Baby A's head is so low still that we can't really see her face or anything on the u/s. Her head is kinda looking to the side and Baby B is facing BA. BB is pretty much in BA's belly/chest area. They are no longer "side by side". I guess both options are good, which is fine by me! Everything else checked out ok so we headed the 18miles back to my Mom's.
My mom is off on Friday's so she was home with Beebs while we were at our appt. When we got home they were eating breakfast. Hubs gave his kisses and headed off to work. About an hour after being home I was upstairs and I "felt" something fall out of my Hotbox. I went to the bathroom and a big smeared chunk of what looked like clear/slightly yellow snot was smashed in my undies... I never lost my mucous plug with Ava (that I know of) so I was pretty sure it was part of my plug but not 100%. I called my Mom up to look. I feel like I always need a witness to my weirdness... one time my panties were soaked and I made Hubs come in and tell me if he thought they looked "damp, wet or soaked". My mom seemed a little grossed out, but intrigued at the same time. She thought it was my plug too. Since I was due to take my next Heparin Injection I called RN Carol. I'm not supposed to give myself the shot if I could be in Labor. She said it sounded like my Plug and to hold off on the meds and she would talk to Dr. M and call me back. She also said it was ironic I was calling bc she was getting ready to call me... I tested positive for the Group B Strep Test (GBS+) I had done on Tuesday. This immediately bummed me out... I know meds have come a long way since 20+ years ago, but I still worry. Given what's going on with me, short cervix, dilated, twins, etc and a VERY FAST labor with Ava I wonder if I can get the antibiotics in enough time. GBS is not an STD or anything normally harmful to you... its a bacteria that lives in most healthy women and presents itself (sometimes) during pregnancy. If you deliver without meds you could pass it on to your child and they can either be 100% fine, get a little sick or even worse... Carol told me not to worry, that it would be ok. Ale (my personal RN NP) also made me feel better about it :)
Carol called back and asked about my level of activity. I was finally honest with her and told her everything I've been doing the past week (or two ;)) She said it seemed like I was handling it well and Dr. M said I can stop the injections... AMEN!!! That was the best news! After that I laid down for a little while, wondering if I would go into Labor soon. Its crazy how "ready" I pretend to be... I sit here all day saying... Water, BREAK!! or Come on girls, time to come out!! But the minute something happens, like me thinking I'm having back labor, that my water broke or I lost my plug I start to freak and apologize to the girls that they can stay in as long as they want... let's face it, I want them out until I realize that means I have to go into Labor!!! My friend Sara texted that she had a feeling Friday would be the day, I thought it could have been too!
I haven't been sleeping well for the past two weeks... but that's completely normal. My belly has been itching like crazy so I've had to lube it up extra with lotion. Also, something odd I noticed last weekend. The soles of my feet have been itching to the point that I want to rip my skin off. I was outside barefoot a little that weekend so I thought maybe it was the grass or something, but it stayed. Then I've noticed my palms itch a lot too... I just chalked that up to the old wives tale that I'll be coming into a lot of money soon (ha! wouldn't that be amazing!?!?). The itchiness gets worse at night... not only is it my palms, soles and belly, but my legs and sometimes chest. Its hard to get sleep when you think you are a crack head going through crack withdrawal. I've been going to Brooke's bed again in the middle of the night bc all I do is toss and turn and scratch myself. Last night I'm laying on my bed covered in Lotion that I just let absorb into my skin... I'm searching for home remedies and things I can do to help, when the phrase...
Intrahepatic Cholestasis of Pregnancy (ICP) comes up... http://www.icpcare.org/overview.html
I've never heard of it... and like I've mentioned before, I take Google with a grain of salt, but when the first symptoms listed are "excessive itching that begins in the palms and soles and increases at night..." is mentioned, I'm all ears... Or maybe I'm all "ear" bc I'm deaf in my Left one. So now I have something new to freak out about... No I haven't called my doc, bc I was just there Friday, everything was GREAT with the babies and I can feel them both moving as I type and my next appt is in 15.5 hours. So we'll talk about it at my appt tomorrow and I'm sure my MFM will recommend blood work (how its diagnosed). So we may not know for sure until Weds. It sounds like I could have it, but the good part is we know the babies have been doing well and I already have my induction set and I'll be 36w on Weds... so as much as I'm worried about this, I'm still in a positive place that even if I do have it... I'm far enough along that they can take these babies tomorrow and they will be fine :)
Its getting more real! and scary... and exciting! At least the NFL season officially started Thursday and I'm snuggled up on the couch with Hubs watching the games... although it stinks we couldn't watch the Steelers play today bc they are only on the NFL Sunday Ticket. I'm sitting here in one of Hub's 2XXL steelers shirts and I'm kinda happy it fits and kinda laughing it fits... nice! We also have a couple leads on some places to move to once the babies are born. We're thinking October 1st and we'll be in our place again. I'm grateful for all the support and help from my mom, we are just so ready to be back in our own house so we can walk around naked... ok we don't do that, but I think I might just because!
Today's post was all over the place with no real ending... sorry, I have to pee and finish dinner! That's right... I make dinner these days ;) So happy to be getting back to normal! 10 days... at most... and counting
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