Thursday, March 6, 2014


A little over 5.5m!

So now that the girls are older and "semi" mobile- things seem tough again. Its almost like each new Milestone, brings new challenges and just when we are getting the hang of something, a new trend pops up we have to acquaint ourselves with. I'm not really sure this will ever be easy... ever.

We keep hitting new stages and positive steps in life, but like I mentioned, there is always a new challenge lurking. The girls are pretty much crib & sleep trained. This has opened a whole new world for Hubs & I. It was tough getting to this point, but persistance & consistency has been key. So now that they sleep so much better & for longer stretches we are getting more sleep... or else we were. These adorable little girls decide they want to sleep on their bellies all of a sudden. Which I'm fine with... Mila was first. Rolling on her belly a few weeks ago was a whole new freedom for her. She was going after items she wanted, which poses new potential risks on the floor and with a toddler around, its inevitable to get past. For some reason, this amazing roller forgot how to roll from her belly to her back in bed... so right when Marc and I were getting enough sleep to unpack the bags from our eyes... she started losing her shit at night (not her actual shit- I feel I need to clarify bc that is also a possibility). She would always end up on her belly and sleep soundly with her little lovey that my Aunt J got the girls. Its a little pink fuzzy soft square blanket with a mouse face on end and satin underneath. Once Mila sees this, she goes crazy and smashes it into her face like its cake. So here she is at night, on her belly. She startles. She goes berzerk, bc this amazing roller we have all of a sudden decides she doesn't know how to roll on to her back from her belly anymore. Are you kidding? You do this all day long. She practically rolls circles around Lola and now she can't move?? Each direction she tried to roll would ultimately be a crib rail, so she's not getting very far. So either Marc or I would have to go in and flip her. Which doesn't make sense bc she calms down, then flips back on to her belly and goes right back to sleep. Or else she decided she was actually hungry and now wants to eat. So this was non stop all night for about a week, all the while, little Lola is fast asleep on side, oblivious to what's going on.

Not for long... as soon as Mila decides she's good sleeping on her belly all tucked vertically in the corner of the crib, Lola decides she wants to be a tummy sleeper too. So now the whole ordeal is starting all over again. Luckily we knew it was temporary so it was easier to truck on through it. The only down fall is that Lola is a heavier sleeper at night. So even though Mila could potentially wake her, it took awhile. Not so much for Mila, she stirs a little easier so Lola's screeches about being on her belly usually woke Mila instantly.

So all that took place just a few weeks ago. Now we are at a much better sleepy place. Even for naps. They both prefer to sleep in their cribs for all their slumbers. So they don't put up much of a fight. Lola still gets mad when you first put her down, but it subsides after a few mins. We started getting better sleep, again. Its like we go through these inconsistent sleep cycles ourself. Our baby monitor has "set" volume levels, not a dial to turn up and down. So we're still hearing all the little whimpers and grunts... it really disrupts our sleep, but there is nothing we can do about it until I feel more comfortable to where we can leave it off.

Hubs & I are starting to fall into a routine, despite still being completely exhausted all day. The twins go to bed around 8:30p, so this leaves about a half hour for Ava to spend winding down with us. She's in bed about 9pm. Then Hubs & I are able to snuggle up and watch some shows or go to bed early ourselves ;) Rawr!!

Naps are so much better... The girls go down for nap #1 about 90mins after they wake. This nap is anywhere from 1-2hours. Then I'm able to get all three girls down during Ava's afternoon nap. This leaves me at least 2hours---CHILD FREE!! I can actually poop in peace! Or take a long hot shower & shave my legs or finish my coffee from 8am.

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