Friday, October 11, 2013

Don't worry... I am alive! :)

The girls turned 4 weeks old yesterday!! They will be 1month on Saturday (tomorrow), wow!

Wednesday, October 9th was my "due date". It's weird to think that if I was just having one baby, I could still be very pregnant! It has been quite the month! We've had some really great times and some really trying times. The great times are great and the trying times are just moments where we need to figure out how to stay awake instead of being walking zombies.

Last week I had my first "realistic" week of being a stay at home to a 23m old toddler and newborn twins, o yeah and an "owner" of a dog (my Mom's lab). At times I try to be an overachiever, by keeping the house picked up, dishes clean and clothes washed. I know everyone tells you to sleep when the babies sleep & let the dishes go, but these girls are so hard to sleep with when they are grunting and squealing non stop. They make the craziest noises so I'm able to doze off during Ava's nap and when the girls are napping, for maybe 30mins.

Here is what my day on Thursday looked like... we'll start at 12am since that is after all when a new day starts! The girls have been sleeping longer stretches at night now, but it wasn't this long a couple weeks ago. I'm still sleeping in the guest bedroom during the week and I take care of the girls alone 100%. Hubs takes them in our room Fri & Sat nights and I still sleep in the other room for uninterrupted sleep.

12a-3am: We're all asleep
3a-4:30am: Feed (formula bottles), change diapers, swaddle, snuggle (5mins each), put back in bed. Lola woke first, so I started with her. Mila woke while feeding Lola so I had to rock her with my foot to keep her from getting all crazy.
4:45am: Cleaned up the bottles, threw away diapers, went potty, checked on Ava and back to bed I go.
7am: Lola woke, so I started the process with her
7:30am: Marc comes in the room after showering/ironing his work clothes. He feeds Mila while I shower
8am: Hubs leaves for work & Ava wakes up (early-UGH!)
8a-8:30am: I pump, dress Ava (diaper/ face wash/ teeth brushed/ hair done)
8:30a-9a: Get Ava a cup of Milk, bring babies downstairs, organize what I'll need for the day, get my Crockpot Meal together for dinner and start it
9a-10:30am: Ava & I eat breakfast, watch Elmo or Mickey together & play
10:30-11:30am- Feed the babies, diaper, snuggle, no swaddle, hold a little, get Ava a snack
11:30a-12pm: I finished my Thank You notes
12p-1p: Ava & I eat lunch, play, wash bottles, realize I have a clogged milk duct (UGH!!! OUCH!!!!!!!!!!)
1-3:30pm: Ava goes down for a nap. I feed the girls again. Hold them, interact with them more, update my blog, change Lola's outfit because she spit up all over the place
3pm-3:30p: I pump and try to massage out the clogged duct, it feels smaller already, but more painful. The girls are still awake so I try to rock them to sleep knowing Ava will be up soon. I wash bottles & pump parts, straighten up the house, check on dinner
3:30-4pm: Ava wakes up, get her a snack, love on her and then ALL THREE of us go for a walk! I wear Lola in my Moby wrap because Ava wants to sit in the stroller. Probably walked half a mile. Holy Shit that hurt! My hips were on fiiiiiiiire
4- 5pm: I get dinner ready. I made crock pot chicken tacos. I get the sides together. My mom comes home from work, we talk and she takes Ava outside
5pm: Jenny comes over for a visit!!!
5:30p: Jenny & I feed the girls. Hubs is home now, he gets Ava dinner and everyone eats while Jenny & I sit in the living room talking, feeding the girls
6:30pm: Jenny leaves, I eat dinner
7-7:30p: I go upstairs to pump, Ava comes with me and messes with all of Brooke's stuff as usual lol
7:30pm: We feed the girls, play with Ava
8-9pm: Ava gets her jammies on, get her a snack & she goes to bed
9-11p: Hubs & I watch football, play with the girls. He gets thrown up on! I organize all the bottles, diapers etc that I will need for the night.
11-11:30p: We feed the girls & get them ready for bed
11:30p-12a: I pump one last time, wash the parts, grab some late night feeding snacks for myself. Give the hubs some goodnight kisses

I'm sure I missed some things, but you get the point!

Even though the girls take 3-4hour stretches of sleep at night, that's not what I'm getting. I have to organize things, wind down and then go to sleep. So I probably get 2.5-3hours of sleep at night in one stretch. Which is a lot more than a week ago, but still not enough to really be rested. It's rare I get a nap when Hubs gets home. I could easily go up, but by the time I pump and do other things like prepare dinner or just talk to Hubs a bit its like 7pm and I figure pointless.

I'm so thankful for everything that Hubs does to try and help. A lot of times I don't tell him enough what I need and sometimes I feel like he should read my mind. When I'm in that zone I tend to snap at him more because I'm so exhausted and I feel like he should "just know". Poor guy just goes through it with no problems. I know he gets irritated with me for the way I act, but he rarely let it shows. I feel so stressed from the lack of sleep. I have phone calls to make to the insurance companies because they need confirmation of info before handling claims, on top of that and finalizing a place to move, looking into daycares in case I go back to work or at least look into part time options for Ava. That is my biggest priority. Even though we get to spend a lot of time together because the girls still sleep most of the day, that will change in the upcoming weeks/months. She needs more interaction with kids her age. I feel at times I'm chained to the couch feeding, nursing, pumping, cleaning bottles, and checking my Baby Connect App to see when the next round starts.

If we only had one baby, I would probably get Mom of the year lol. Then again, I think you always adjust to the situation you're in. So even if we did just have one baby, I'd still probably be in the same frame of mind with everything! Having two babies and a toddler is proving to be difficult, but we aren't the first nor the last people to be dealt the baby lottery hand, but I know we will do our best!!!

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