Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Make up your mind already!!!

I'm 21 weeks today! I had my follow up to my follow up this morning... it didn't go as well as we planned.

We had a different tech again scanning us. She looked at the babies first, that is always by far my favorite part. I'm starting to enjoy looking at them every week! BA was in the same position as last week- she's on my right side, head down, face up. BB moved head down since last week but she is facing towards my back. BB is always SUPER active! It was hard to get a good heartbeat on her bc she kept moving. I have a feeling she may be a tad like her mama ;)

There was plenty of fluid around both babies, almost the exact same amount which is great. So far the "Twin to Twin Transfusion Syndrome" (TTTS) isn't a factor. That is usually the biggest risk in Identical Twins. It can usually start to show up around 18w, so its a good sign that they are still the same size and have lots of fluid. Even if they do end up with TTTS it doesn't necessarily mean anything bad, just that one baby could be born a lot bigger and the other a lot smaller. Of course there are other risks with TTTS, but some cases are more severe than others.

After the baby scan it was time for the trans-vag u/s, my least favorite part lol. She measured my Cervical Length and got 3.21cm!!!! That's barely any different than what we got last week! Hubs and I smiled, we were happy. Looks like maybe our original scan showing our "shortening" could have been a mistake!??! She saved all the photos and uploaded them to the system so they could travel on through the information highway up to my Doc's office. When she turned around I snapped a pic of the Cervical Scan on my phone. I felt like I was doing something illegal, even though it is my vagina! She said she was going to update my chart and call Dr. G (one of the 3 in the practice) and he may or may not want to scan me again bc he likes to scan all his patients his own. If not, I could dress and head upstairs.

She came back in a few mins later and I was looking for another towel to wipe the extra u/s gel goop off my belly. It seemed like I was a visitor in her home and she caught me going through her medicine cabinet in the bathroom. I felt weirdly embarrassed, but she didn't seem to mind. She said Dr. G was on his way down to look at my scans. He was in the room before she could finish her sentence...

He pulled up her scans. I also really like this doctor. He is so smart and thorough and even though he has a thick Asian/island/middle eastern type accent he's easy to talk too. They looked at the cervical scan and asked her to show him what areas she measured. She did, then he told her that her line of measurement shouldn't be "straight across", she needed to use the "curve" function on the machine and it would change the scan bc there was a "dip" near my funneling and so he rescanned it and he came up with 2.52cm :( and then he measured into the funneling dip and that was an additional 1cm I'm missing bc its open.

My heart sank... I tried everything I could not to cry. I couldn't even look at Hubs bc I knew the tears would flow. He said he would call up to Dr. K and send him the new pics and they would collaborate on a game plan. We're now thinking the original scan was right and last weeks scan was incorrect as the tech measured with a straight line as well instead of curved. We went up to the 3rd floor to have the OB portion of the appt. RN Carol met us up there and said they wanted to see if I was contracting much. I told her I do contract off and on all day, but they weren't consistent or getting strong so I chalked them up as Braxton Hicks. I know if I get 4 or more I need to call them and I haven't gotten to that point.

They sat me on a semi-comfy recliner and strapped the monitor around my big ol belly and started the scan. After about 20mins I felt one coming on. The nurse happened to be in there with Hubs & I during so I told her and sure enough, 10 seconds later a dip showed up on the paper. About 15-20mins later I thought I felt another, or was it gas? Its really hard to tell these days. I told Hubs I felt one, but it wasn't as intense and then it quit pretty quick. Sure enough, that showed up too as a smaller contraction. We waited in there an hour and the semi-comfy chair became more of a pain. Having this ace bandage contraption around my belly tight with a "staples easy button" looking type thing wrapped under it. During the hour I only had the two, which is good considering I didn't have many after relaxing, that's the goal.

Dr. K came in and said he talked with Dr. G about the scan. The plan is essentially still the same. Modified Bed Rest... no complete bed rest bc that will actually cause more harm. I do need to keep my blood flowing and his words are "don't be an invalid, be a princess". He did say he was writing me a RX for a medicine that's kind of like aspirin and it will help my uterus to relax and hopefully ease off the pressure on my Cervix. That's all we can do now. I'm not sure if I posted before, but a Cerclage isn't a good idea bc I'm way too far along, having twins and I'm funneling. All those combined can actually set me into labor and do more harm. I also can't take Progesterone suppositories bc that has shown 0 chance of helping.

So, this new plan is to take this medicine 4times a day for 10 days. Go back to the doc in a week (weds mornings are our standing dates, I feel like I should take donuts or something). At 24w they will give me the Steroid shots for their lungs and then I think I get a 2nd one a few weeks after that? I can't remember. He did mention something about possible bed rest closer to 26ish weeks in case I do go into Labor, I'm already at the hospital. I REALLY hope that isn't a necessity... then again, if its what's best for these two little girls, then that's what I'll do. I don't really look forward to those "weeks"... I just look forward to the next appointment. Dr. K also said "No one thing will 100% send you into labor". That gives me comfort knowing that regardless, whatever is supposed to happen will... as much as I wish I could have a hand in it, maybe its for the best that its something I have no control over.

As the doc was leaving, he was recapping the info to me and said... You're still on modified bed rest. He must have remembered me asking him the last two weeks if that included "pelvic rest", bc he followed it up with something along the lines... "that also means pelvic rest, but that doesn't mean you two (looks at hubs) can't find other ways to express your needs, just nothing in the vagina". I thought Hubs mouth was going to fall to his shoes, it was pretty hilarious. I tried not to giggle, I felt so embarrassed! The doc's face even looked a little red! At least we ended the appt on a funny note!

Hubs & I talk about girl names. We actually have some at the top of our list finally, but a part of me is hesitant. I'm faithful that everything will turn out and a baby is a baby no matter what... but I feel like if we name them then its even more "real" we have two more babies on the way... and THEN what if something happens? Does that make sense? I want to name them now, but at the same time I don't... it makes me sad

After the 3 hour appointment (this is a trend), we went and got Breakfast. Then he had to go to work and I headed back to my mom's. Picked up some lunch for them and we sat outside while Beebs splashed in her new pool. I briefly thought about the "what ifs", but when you see your 19month old so happy over something so simple as a hard plastic pool her Deda (name for grandma- my mom) got for her... you can't help but to instantly de-stress. She has no worries except when "nack" (snack) time is or where "dog dog" is (my mom's black lab, its her buddy!). Soon after the pool time, I took a much needed 2hour nap. Had dinner with my loves and visited my friend Jesley in her new house. I needed the distraction... tomorrow is another day and I can't look forward to what might or might not happen, I just need to enjoy every minute of everything... I'm really fond of this big huge belly and my little gummy bears inside!


Fun times monitoring contractions! 

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