Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Recovering from a c-section

Besides NOT wanting to be cut open and my babies yanked out, I was afraid of the recovery of a c-section. The only other major surgery I had was when I was 9yrs old and it was on my ear that left me deaf.

Laughing, coughing & sneezing were my worst enemies... that and trying to bend over and pick something up off the floor. While in the hospital room I dropped quite a few things, pens, nipple cream, important documents, etc. These all stayed on the floor until someone else walked in. I tried a couple time to just spread my legs a part and slowly bend over, only to realize I could get about half way before I was out of breath and in pain. Everytime a cough, sneeze or laugh came on, I had to push against my incision with my hand, that felt awful, but helped with the pressure. A couple times I swore I busted a stitch. Its the most uncomfortable & painful feeling ever.

While in the shower I'm standing all hunched over cleaning my incision, which by the way looks great. I expected to see staples, thread, fishing lures, etc... but it was invisible. I guess its an internal stitch. When I touch it, it feels like its braided like rope on the inside. Its a "smiley face" and I hope I'm able to keep my stomach tight so it doesn't turn into a frown. Its also a lot lower than I expected. The only person who will see it is my husband... or probably my little sister or any of my girl friends who want too lol. I haven't "touched up" that area since pre babies and I'll probably be too afraid to get a razor near there even after its completely healed, which at almost 2weeks I'm sure we're about there.

Anyways... when I was in the hospital showering I just remember thinking I would never be able to recover. I was on Percocet and Motrin every 6hours. Which I could take the Percocet every 4, but I was trying to be a hero. I was afraid to stand up straight, to have anything touch my belly, to even sit or lay. Nothing was comfortable. Its amazing how quickly your body heals. By day 4 I was only taking the Percocet before bed, just to help me relax to sleep. I was completely done with it before a week. I only took the Motrin as needed, if I felt like I over did it for the day. I was going up and down the steps like a champ. Everything was great... until I realized I didn't have a bowel movement since the weds before the birth, 9/11... it had been 8 days and I finally felt one coming on. I'd still been on Colace, but ran out. So Hubs had to make a last minute run for me. I remember I sent a group text to my "crusties" telling them this would be the moment... it was not pretty. I'll just say, I was glad to finally have pooped... even if it did look like week old cheesy hamburger helper. I also got a bad case of the roids to go with it and out went the Hubs again to get me some relief. He came back with quite a few options to help me out. Two days later, I was back to normal.

If I had to choose a c-section or vaginal delivery... I would probably choose a Vaginal. I've now had both and even though something is stretching out your hot box, the recovery for me was a lot quicker and I even had two bad tears with Ava. I also don't like not knowing what's going on behind the curtain or not getting to really see/touch/feel my babies. The thought of surgery and recovering is not pretty, especially looking back at the side effects I had from the meds. Now here I am almost 2 weeks post partum and I do feel really good. I still hold my stomach when I cough, laugh, sneeze, but I don't need too... I'm just paranoid. I wear a binder around my stomach 24/7 and I attribute that to my stomach shrinking fast and feeling support in my stomach. I could probably walk a mile and not feel bad, but I do wonder though why you get so much more time off for a c-section as opposed to a vaginal delivery? If I was working, I wouldn't mind the extra time, but I feel like its not really necessary? Unless they x out two weeks thinking you can't really bond with baby while you're recovering? If that's the case, then it makes sense.

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